Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

english speaking final exam

for a fleeting time, a day or two at most, all things are possible to an extraordianry group of newly created embryo, called embryonic stem cells. they have capacity to grow into nerves, blood, herat, bone and all the rest.  that embryonic stem cells could be terrifically useful in their unspecialized state as well, not only as a source of cells information, but also as a source of replacement for tissue damaged.

isolating stem cells in their pristine state proved difficult, but two independent team from University of Wisconsin in Madison and in Johns Hopkins annouced that they both had pulled it off. the stem cells can survive in petri dish for along nine month.

the researcher coaxed Wisconsin group to take next step and differentiate into neural, gut, muscle, and bone cells.

because, it is illegal to use the federal money for research that involves human embryo, wisconsin group ang johns hopkins seek finding from Geron Corp, an biotech firm in california.

the source of cells, johns hopkins took from fetused that had been aborted in early of pregnancy. the wisconsin group use blastocysts, cluster of about 140 cells that develop within a week after fertilization.

in principle, stem cells could be used for a vast array of profitable and lifesaving therapies. they could be coaxed into forming heart. they might be turned into neuron to replace brain cells destroyed by alzeimer's. they may someday provide new pancreatic cells to pump insulin into bloodstream of diabetics.

the list goes on to include irtually any disorder that involves the loss of normal cells, such as muscullar dystrophy, spinal cord injury, kidney or lives dieases, and blindness caused degeneration of retina. stem cells colud also provide drug companies with a limitless supply of norml human tissue to testing the toxicity of new drugs. 

at this point, it is not clear whether the isolated stem cells produce literally any tissue in the body or can make a few type that already seen in the lab. if the experiment had been done in mice, the next step would been to test the stem cells' versality by trying to grow an entire mouse. such an experiment would clearly have been unethical with human cells.

Another key question is whether scientists can learn to guide stem cells into specific paths of development. Answering all these questions and turning the answers into useful therapies is a daunting undertaking. unvornately, geron's pocket are not bottomless and the traditional source of funding is unavailable. johns hopkins and wisconsins group had to declare that no federal funds were used in their work.

Title                : The Biological Mother Lode
Author            : Michael D. Lemonick
Date                : November 16, 1998
Source             : Time magazine

next step, I would create ppt to help my presentation ..
I'm getting nervous for speaking test tommorow :
wish me get nice examinier, and wish me luck :')
you too :)
ganbatte :D


13 ungkaapn terpendam yang tidak akan dikatakan seorang anak pada orang tuanya:
  1. cintailah aku sepenuh hati
  2. aku ingin menjadi diriku sendiri, hargailah aku
  3. cobalah mengerti aku dan cara belajarku
  4. jangan marahi aku di depan banyak orang
  5. jangan bandingkan aku dengan kakak dan adikku
  6. ayah ibu lupa bahwa aku adalah fotocopy mereka
  7. kian hari, umurku kian bertambah, maka jangan anggap aku sebagai anak kecil
  8. biarkan aku mencoba, lalu beritahu aku bila aku salah
  9. jangan membuat aku bingung, tegaslah padaku
  10. jangan ungkit-ungkit kesalahanku
  11. aku adalah lahan pahala bagimu
  12. jangan memarahiku dengan mengatakan hal-hal buruk, bukankah yang keluar dari mulutmu adalah doa bagiku?
  13. jangan melarangku hanya dengan kata 'jangan', tapi berilah penjelasanku kenapa aku tidak boleh melakukan sesuatu

ibu, ayah, aku ingin mencium, memelukmu erat tanpa sepatah katapun
aku ingin berkata maaf padamu ibu, ayah, tapi hanya bisa dalam hati
ayah, ibu .. apakah ditangismu ada aku?

-taken from twitter: @superBIBILS-

Thursday, March 1, 2012

lalu lintas Indonesia itu ... -.-

kalo menurutku, lalu lintas Indonesia itu amburadul. di malang aja kayak gini, gimana di kota besar lain ._. sejak kelas duabelas aku naik motor sendiri, dan itu banyak suka dukanya. senengnya bisa kemana-mana sendiri, gak ketergantungan sama orang lain, hemat uang jajan pula. gak senengnya, harus menerima banyak cobaan (?) pertama, jatuh waktu macet panjang, takut kalo uda boncengin anak ._. sebelahan sama truk kontainer, di klaksoni sama motor lain kalo di barisan depan lampu merah, dipisuhin, dan harus extra sabar kalo nyetir di belakangnya angkot --" dan yang paling nyebelin itu diklaksoni sama nyetir di belakang angkot.

aku gak seneng sama tingkah laku orang Indonesia, especially orang Malang yang gak sabaran banget di lampu merah. kalo lagi di lampu merah deketnya smp 3, mesti banyak orang yang tetep belok meskipun udah lampu merah dan ada tulisannya "BELOK KIRI IKUTI LAMPU LALU LINTAS" apa mereka gak baca tanda itu? apa mereka sibuk banget sampek nerobos lampu merah? sesibuk apa se kok gak mau nunggu jadi ijo, padahal cuman 30-90 detik ._. waktu segitu itu gak lama lo ._. nerobos lampu merah, disamping ganggu kendaraan yang dari arah lain, juga bisa membahayakan diri sendiri. apa mereka gak sayang sama dirinya? gimana kalo misalnya pas mereka belok, terus ada kendaraan dari arah lurus itu, terus keserempet aaaah -..- seharusnya kalo mereka sayang sama diri mereka, pengen nyampek tempat tujuan selamat, mereka harusnya matuhin rambu lalu lintas. ckckckck Indonesia ... masyarakatnya gak sabaran, nunggu 1 menit aja gak mau ..pantesan tingkat kecelakaannya tinggi --"

kedua, gak seneng sama angkot yang seenaknya sendiri! berhenti gak nyalain lighting dulu, nurunin penumpang seenaknya sendiri, ada gitu nurunin penumpang gak di pinggir, hampir ke tengah. pak, liat dong orang belakangnya bapak! ngerti kejar setoran, tapi ya liat situasi juga dong! gak pake jalan seenaknya sendiri!
*emosi tingkat dewa*
hahaha .____.

finally, I have finished my paper :D