First, I would like to express my
gratitude to the greatest lord, Allah SWT for all blessing to permit me done
this paper, so I can done this well.
Furthermore, I would like to say my
thank to Drs. Budi Harsono, S. Pd as the headmaster of Senior High School 1
Malang and also to all of SMANSA’s english teachers, especially to Drs. Bambang
Tri Bagio and Dra. Djoewariyah, for all of their patiences, guidances, and
supports to finishing this paper. Next thank is presented to Essa Karina’s mom,
Dra. Enny Andjarwati for helping.
Last but
not the least, my gratitude present to my family, especially to my parents and
also for all of my friends, especially for my beloved class, Android. Thanks
for help and support me in everyway I do to complished this paper.
paper contains six chapters of english comprehensive materials, including paragraph
and structure analyse, vocabulary parts and the other parts of english skill
applications. The text is about science or human body, especially about
embryonic stem cells. I choose this topic because as a human and woman,I must
know about embryo cells and the disease can be cure with stem cells. So,
however, nobody’s perfect and I know that this paper is still far from perfect.
So than, any critiques and suggestions would be always welcome.
I hope
that this paper will be useful, especially for me and generally for all people
who read this paper to increase our awareness to keep our body health.
Februari 2012
ijin nge-link mbong :)